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Home » What’s New » Multifocal Eyeglasses: Are They Right For You? (Glasses)

Multifocal Eyeglasses: Are They Right For You? (Glasses)

Everything You Need to Know About Multifocal Contact Lenses. Chicago, IL

Multifocal eyeglasses allow people to see things at various distances, without the need to switch glasses to read or drive. To learn whether multifocals are right for you, contact Eye Mechanix. 

If you’re in your 40s or older, and close-up objects have become increasingly more blurry, you know how annoying presbyopia - age-related farsightedness - can be. While presbyopia isn’t dangerous, it’s another prescription to deal with if you already have myopia, hyperopia and/or astigmatism.

While some people wear one pair of glasses to read and another pair to drive or play sports, many choose to wear multifocal glasses, which offer 2 or more prescriptions on a single lens.

Below we explain what multifocals do and why they’re so popular.

What are Multifocals and How Do They Work?  

Bifocals, trifocals, and progressive lenses are all known as multifocal lenses. All three correct refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia.

Bifocals feature 2 lenses: the one on the top is for distance vision, while the lower half is for near vision. The lenses are divided by a line.

Trifocals contain 3 lenses, for far, near and intermediate vision.

Progressive lenses are specially designed corrective lenses that increase in prescription power gradually from the top of the lens to the bottom, allowing you to see a range of objects at varying distances. Unlike bifocals, multifocals don’t have lines on the lenses

With progressives, you can read an email on your laptop by looking through the center of the lens. at an intermediate distance. And you can drive safely by being able to view far objects at the top of the lens.

Multifocal lenses eliminate the need to switch glasses or take them off when trying to read a book.

Multifocal Lenses at Lincoln Park

If you want to learn more about multifocal glasses, our caring eye care team at Eye Mechanix in will be happy to help!


On the downside, progressive lenses can be more costly and can have peripheral distortion which takes some getting used to.

Prescription single lenses, bifocals, and trifocals may not be as convenient as progressive lenses, but they are more affordable and may cater to your line of work or daily tasks more accurately.

Your optometrist can suggest which lens is the best fit for your needs and which lens will correct your refractive error most efficiently but ultimately when all is said and done; it comes down to personal preference and what you are comfortable with.